We specialise in the removal and disposal of Japanese Knotweed from construction sites or any site that is being developed or remediated.
Knotweed soils contain rhizomes that must be disposed of as controlled waste if they are to be removed from their site. If these rhizomes aren’t handled carefully cross-contamination can take place which can result in fines.
Each infected development site can pose different issues and needs its own dedicated plan of removal and disposal to completely eradicate Japanese Knotweed.
We can provide an assessment of any material you suspect contains Knotweed using visual inspection and simple laboratory testing suites.
Do you suspect that your site is contaminated with Japanese Knotweed? There are a variety of visual aspects that can identify the invasive plant through each season.
We’ve developed a guide to help contractors and builders identify knotweed on development sites. The guide highlights areas you can expect to see the plant, how it can spread and the eradication methods
You can read our ultimate commercial guide to Japanese Knotweed HERE.
If Knotweed is detected on-site, a remediation plan will need to be formed for your site’s specific requirements.
We specialise in the removal of soils contaminated with rhizomes (stems) using our network of four, six, and eight-wheel tipper wagons.
All vehicles will follow governed procedures to ensure duty of care compliance and waste transfer note creation.
Our end-to-end solutions for removal, transport and disposal helps to save time and money for construction developments
Call: 0161 647 7409 or email: info@gmat.co.uk